Ronning Against Cancer - Founder by Ronald Tintin to support the fight against Cancer (Breast Cancer), Stop Violence Against Women and Girls, to promote Education for all and raise funds
Hi derarest supporters, fans, readers, followers ;)
Save the dates in 2016 with the project “Ronning Against Cancer”;) Supported by The Adventures of Ronald Tintin, Super Professeur and Ronning Against Cancer.
Sport, Health, Wellness,Hope, Love,Fitness: Ronning Against Cancer’s upcoming events in 2016 with Great motivation and good feelings to support the fight against breast cancer and raise funds !!!
About “Ronning Against Cancer”:
The project “Ronning Against Cancer” was created by Ronald Tintin. It is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting people with breast cancer and other cancers, to support cancer charities and raise funds for research. They provide information, support and campaign about breast cancer.
You can support the projet “Ronning Against Cancer” by taking action.
Thank you for your support and see you soon...;)
Ronald Tintin, Founder of the project “Ronning Against Cancer”
Ronning Against Cancer - The Adventures of Ronald Tintin, Super Professeur and the project Ronning Against Cancer’s UPCOMING EVENTS in 2016 to support the fight against Cancer (Breast Cancer), Women’s History, Education and raise funds !!!
Charity, Fundraising and Do Good to help our world.
MARCH 2016 – International Women’s Day (March, 8th) and Women’s History Month in March
Women’s History Month 2016 (March). Women’s History Month Theme: “Working to Form a More Perfect Union: Honoring Women in Public Service and Government”
Supported by The Adventures of Ronald Tintin, Super Professeur,the mobile application, Le Journal Intime de Sublima and Ronning Against Cancer in March 2016.
Picture : Rosie The Riveter « We Can Do It. » A powerful symbol of American women’s contributions during World War II and of female empowerment.
Sunday,March 6th 2016 – International Women’s Day
The race “Semi Marathon de Paris ” (Paris)
Support : Institut Curie, International Women’s Day
Start: Sunday, March 6th @ 10:00 a.m
Finish: Sunday, March 6th @ 1:00 p.m
Distance: 21.100 km
Tuesday,March 8th 2016 – International Women’s Day
Sunday,March 20th 2016
The race “ La Course de la Jonquille pour Curie”
Support : Institut Curie
Start: Sunday, March 20th @ 10:30 a.m
Finish: Sunday, March 20th @ 1:00 p.m
Distance: 10.00 km
APRIL 2016
Sunday,April 3rd 2016
The race “Marathon de Paris” (Paris) for the 40th edition
Support : Institut Curie
Start: Sunday, April 3rd @ 9:00 a.m
Finish: Sunday, April 3rd @ 2:40 p.m
Distance: 42.195 km

Run For Kids from Saturday to Wednesday, April 9th to 13th 2016
The race “No Finish Line Paris by Siemens”
Support : Institut Curie and La Chaîne de l’Espoir
Start: Saturday, April 9th @ 10:30 a.m
Finish: Wednesday, April 13th @ 7.00 p.m
Distance:... km =... € to support children
Run For Diabetes on Saturday, April 23rd 2016
The race “La boucle du diabète”
Support : Institut Curie
Start: Saturday, April 23rd @ 11:00 a.m
Finish: Saturday, April 23rd @ 6.00 p.m
MAY 2016
Sunday,May 15th 2016
The race “La Pyreneenne - les 10 km du 20e” (Paris)
Support : Institut Curie
Start: Sunday, May 15th @ 9:30 a.m
Finish: Sunday, May 15th @ 2:40 p.m
Distance: 10 km
Sunday,May 29th 2016
The race “10 km de l’Equipe” (Paris)
Support : Institut Curie
Start: Sunday, May 29th @ 9:30 a.m
Finish: Sunday, May 29th @ 2:40 p.m
Distance: 10 km
Dedicated to Jessica Janusz, Tiffany Bevilacqua, Tânia Cerquiera, Pauline Pina Mertzig, Eve Bieuvelet,Yasmine Yamani, Hamza Bouri, Olivia Koryczan,Kenza Akrour...for the BAC 2016 (Wednesday, June 15th – Wednesday, June 22nd ).
Sunday,September 11th 2016
The race “Top Chrono contre le Cancer de l'Enfant ” (Courrbevoie – 92)
Support : Institut Curie
Start: Sunday, September 11th @ 9:00 a.m
Finish: Sunday,September 11th @ 6:00 p.m
Distance: 2 km / 6 km
To know more :
L’association D'enfants Atteints de Médulloblastome (ADAM)
OCTOBER 2016 – Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October (Pink October)
Ronning Against Cancer, Super Professeur and The Adventures of Ronald Tintin support Pink October. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which is an annual campaign to increase awareness of the disease. While most people are aware of breast cancer, many forget to take the steps to have a plan to detect the disease in its early stages and encourage others to do the same. We have made a lot of progress but still have a long way to go and need your help!
Breast Cancer Awareness Month October 2016 - Fight Against Breast Cancer and raise funds! Supported by the project Ronning Against Cancer, Super Professeur , Eve Bieuvelet, , Btecem Riche and Les Aventures de Ronald Tintin
The charity run “Odyssea Paris” on Sunday, October 2nd 2016. Team Les Aventures de Ronald Tintin, Super Professeur and the project Ronning Against Cancer will run (10 km) to the fight against breast cancer by supporting Institut Curie.
Thank you for your support : Team SuperProfesseur, Eve Bieuvelet ,Le Journal Intime de Sublima, Btecem Riche ,dearest readers, followers…
Ronald Tintin, Creator of the project Ronning Against Cancer
“Together, we can get rid of cancer !”
Sunday,October 2nd 2016
The race “L’Odysséa” (Paris, Hippodrome de Vincennes)
Support : Institut Curie and Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Start: Sunday, October 2nd @ 9:00 a.m
Finish: Sunday, October 2nd @ 2:40 p.m
Distance: 10 km